Monday 2 September 2013


Ayla and I shopped at FaMeshed this morning. We're both wearing tops we bought. Ayla, on the right, is wearing the Baiastice top, I'm in the Valentina E on the left. April, in the middle, picked up her tunic sweater at TeeFy at the Fifty Linden Friday event. Because we all looked so fabulous I asked to take a photo. We all hopped on a cute girly threesome from Rack Poses that I've had in my inventory for awhile and voila!
We three met through roleplaying and we're excited to try again. We've decided to play sisters at Wendigo Lake which is still in beta. It's a lovely small town sim and worth a visit. If you're a roleplayer, stop over and visit us on the boardwalk. We'll tell your fortune if the spirits move us.


  1. If the spirits move us or you have enough cash! LOL.. We are great sisters!

    1. Oh yeah! Cash (roleplay cash that is) will move the spirits.
