Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Elikatira's New Mesh Hair!

Dolly and I agreed to take day about blogging but when I saw this new Elikatira mesh hair I was too excited and couldn't wait until tomorrow.  Isn't it just gorgeous?  I love braids and now we don't have the problem of them sinking into our boobies when we move!  Squeeeee, I just adore it!  This is the first of her new mesh releases which are also going to include clothing.  Bring us more already, Elika, I love you for this!

The top I'm wearing is a new favourite too.  I bought it for the 52 week colour challenge this week but decided it wasn't patina-ish enough.  It's from Insanya and comes in a choice of colours.  For skins and eyes, see yesterday's blog!